Andrew E Campbell | DREWKABOOM in Bocas Del Toro. Photo by iHart.

Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.’

In adapting to a more non-touch environment, reiki healing can also be administered from a distance. It is an important takeaway that we all share in the vital force and reiki can be performed from anywhere on the planet to a prospective client/patient and significant effects are felt almost as if they’re with us in the room. As a reiki practitioner, our objective is to help you heal.

Sound has been and is an essential part of society. As far as sound combinations; many different sound combinations make up for countless amounts of music. The intended genre are a way to bear witness to different types/styles of these combinations usually based on their geographic location. Location also has a major part to play in the types of instruments that are used in the regions music as well.

As a sound professional, understanding the anthropological histories of instruments and how they are used in relation to the others in a group(eg. harmonies, melodies, etc) are vital. There’s another side to the sound world today that’s a bit more ancient. This moreover is not merely based in antiquity but also has been passed down from generation to generation.

Upon learning many ancient practices, we choose to help clients combining both sound healing and reiki services.